viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Resources for working with young offenders


- International Juvenile Justice Observatory, Belgian Public Utility Foundation,

Manuals, kits, handbooks, books:

- Youth matters now - Training Guide for Working with Young Offenders, Diego Marin Romera, 2011
- 201 Icebrakers, Group Mixers, Warm-ups, Energizers and Playful Activities, Edie West, 1997
- Great Session, Openers, Closers and Energizers, Marlene Caroselli, 2009
- Learning to learn in practice, Paul Kloosterman & Mark E. Taylor, 2012
- No offence, A practical booklet for setting up international youth projects with young offenders, ex -offenders and young people at risk of offending or currently in prison,
- Decálogo para una justicia penal de menores equitativa y eficaz -
- Writing Reloaded file:///C:/Users/a/Downloads/Writing%20Reloaded%20(castellano)%20v.0.pdf
- Teatro del oprimido, Augusto Boal

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Movies: prisons and young offenders

A top by youtube with some good movies about prision life

Top 10 prison movies ever:

Hope to watch all of them.

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014


1st of March
 (10:30 - 14:30)

31th of March (17:00 - 19:00)
post 31th of March session

27th of March (10:00 - 14:00), oficina Euroaccion
watch ''Young offenders film'', message to Carmen, blog

26th of March (17:00 - 19:00), Sangonera
post 26th of March session

26th of March (10:00 - 14:00), casa Ina
preparing the learning for the session: learning river, learning interviews, random diary moments, energizers

25th of March (10:00 - 14:00), oficina Euroaccion
blog, message about visibility of the project, message for Carmen, ART Fusion for organizing a meeting in Romania about the project, promote blog on facebook

24th of March (17:00 - 19:00), Sangonera
post 24th of March session

20th of March (10:00 - 14:00), oficina Euroaccion
blog, message for organizing the press conference in Murcia, lists of persons for the interviews, searching NGOs working with young offenders, in prision, centers etc.

19th of March (10:00 - 14:00), oficina Euroaccion
blog, message for Carmen and for the group about the conclusions of the 17th of March session, visibility, communications for the interviews ... 

17th of March  (17:00 - 19:00), Sangonera
post 17th of March session

14th of March  (10:30 - 12:30), Ugo's house
Participants: Maja, Nicolas, Ugo, Ina
Preparing the next two sessions for the part of identy of the group. 

13th of March  (10:00 - 14:00)
blog, plan of visibility, propotion and monitoring of the project, learning plan, disemination and exploatation of results, resultsm visibility, press conference to organize, meeting in Romania to organize, monitoring and evaluation

12th of March  (17:00 - 19:00), Sangonera
post 12th of March session

11th of March (10:00 - 14:00), oficina; (17:00 - 18:00) Sangonera
In the morning, preparing the session for afternoon in Sangonera, preparing the materials and the timing with the activities. In the afternoon, we had a problem with the room of the school where we have the workshop because in the same time in the same room it is the workshop ''Capilla catolica'' and I could not develop the workshop.

10th of March (10:00 - 14:00), oficina Euroaccion
Prepering the list with persons for interviews and to revise the list of the activities of the project. 

7th of March (10:00 - 12:00), house of Maja and Nicolas
Participants: Maja, Nicolas, Ugo, Ina
We discussed about the blog and the sections about films and we decided to propose films from our countries and good films with prisions and young offenders. Also, we decided to add a section with interviews with persons, volunteers, youth worker working in prision and with young offenders. We prepared the sesion for the next week and each of us will sent via email various activities for trust and teambuilding.

6th of March (10:00 - 14:00), oficina Euroaccion
Report, messages (Carmen, group), blog, learning plan Ina

5th of March (17:00 - 19:00), Centro Penitenciario Murcia, Sangonera
Participants: Ina, 11 interns Modulo 2
post first session, 5th of March

4th of Macrh (10:00 - 14:00), oficina Euroaccion
Preparing the session for Wednesday, the materials and finish the documents for my work contract. 
Buying the post-its and print the poster of daily evaluation. 

3rd of March (9:40 - 11:00), Centro Penitenciario Murcia 1, Sangonera
Participants: Ina, Carmen (subdirectora Sangonera), internos Modulos 2, profesora escuela
We will work with interns from Modulo 2, 16-20 participants, 21 years old to 30 years old. Also, their teacher is motivated to join our workshop and she will be involved every Wednesday evening. 
We will develop each Tuesday and Wednesday our workshops in the evenings. If I need materials for the workshops first I have to present to Carmen to give me the persmision to use it. 
We have to profile of participants, young people involved in formal education and another group not involved. One of our indirect objective will be to motivate the one that are not going to school to join their collegues and going to the school. In this module, there are not activities and with this project we hope to change the participants and be more open to benefit of their time in the prision and to join educational and social activities. 
Carmen, told to the participants that they have also the opportunity to receive benefits if they are participating and join the workshops.  

26th of February (10:00 - 12:00), Ina´s home
Participants: Ina, Ugo, Maja, Nico
Resume of the meeting (preparing the first session in Sangonera) - Acta de reunión:
 - Ina ha hecho una presentación con su experiencia de trabajar en las cárceles y con varias recomendaciones que ha aprendido durante sus actividades. 
- Hemos preparado la primera sesión de 3 de marzo cuando va ha entrar Ina. Esperamos que sean 15 chicos y el tiempo de las 9:30 a las 11:30. 
- Conforme la presentación aprobada, las primeras 4 sesiones tiene el objetivo: conocernos (son chicos de varios módulos), formar el grupo, identidad del grupo y presentar la estructura de los 5 meses.
- Nuestra propuesta para lunes, 3 de marzo:  
        9:30 - 9:50 actividad nombre - pelota
        9:50 - 10:10 actividad ´´escudo´´
        10:10 - 10:30 actividad ´´ mentira, verdad´´
        10:30 - 11:30 expectativas, temores, contribuciones (dibujo, post-its), estructura de los 5 meses, la tabla con todas la sesiones para auto evaluación. 
- Tenemos en cuenta que depende mucho del numero de los participantes y de como van a participar y tenemos la flexibilidad de renunciar o poner mas actividades. 
- Hemos decidido que vamos a preparar la sesión de viernes, 7 de marzo después de la primera sesión para tener en cuenta los detalles del numero de los internos y el feedback de la primera sesión. 
- Esperamos que Ugo, Maja y Nicolas van a recibir muy pronto el permiso. Hemos hablado que cuando entra para primera vez Ugo facilita una sesión de prevención de violencia y construir confianza. 
- Adjunto unos documentos que vamos a utilizar durante nuestras sesiones y que también es importante leerlos antes de entrar en la cárcel. 
  - hoja control asistencia
  - ficha seguimiento
  - manual youth matters now
  - inforprision - doc. con info utiles
  - presentacion de los proyectos con la fechas cambiadas
Viernes voy a mandar un reminder, para lunes, 3 de marzo, a Carmen, la subdirectora y si me dice algo sobre los permisos o otras info importante os digo. 
Si hay cosas para añadir, feel free to add it. Mantenemos el contacto! 

25th of February (10:00 - 14:00), oficina Euroaccion
Selecting and prepraring the activities for young offenders from the Euroaccion library

18th of February (10:00 - 14:30), oficina Euroaccion
Searching for examples of learning plans. Looking for resources to prepare the activitites with the young offenders. 

17th of February (8:30 - 10:00), Centro penitenciario Murcia, Sangonera
Participants: Ina, Carmen
presenting the projects to the interns from module 1 and 8. positive feedback

14th of February (10:00 - 11:00), oficina Euroaccion Murcia
Participants: Ina, Ugo, Nicoleta, Noemi, Maja, Nicolas
Presenting the project, planing the future meetings and responsabilities 

13th of February (9:00 - 10:20), Centro penitenciario Murcia, Sangonera
Participants: Ina Lolescu, Ugo Pompa (youth worker from my team), Carmen (Subdirectora Sangonera)
Carmen started the meeting with the interns without us. We established another meeting for the next week. We agree that I have to print more posters for the presentations. 

11th of February (10:00 - 15:00), oficina Euroaccion
prepering the poster for the presentation for the younh offenders, list of mivies with prisions and young offenders, learning plan Ina, ideas for the blog

6th of February (11:00 - 13:00), Instituto juvenil y Centro penitenciario Murcia, Sangonera
Participants: Diego Marin Romera, Ina Lolescu
                       Veronica Lopez Garcia - Direccion General de Prevencion de Violencia de Genero,                                      Juventud, Proteccion Juridica y Reforma de Menores
                       Juan - Director Centro Penitenciario de Murcia - Sangonera
                       Carmen Carrillo Hernandez - Subdirectora de Tratamiento, Centro Penitenciario de
                       Murcia - Sangonera
presentations, presentation of the project - Ina, discussion, documents to prepare, next meeting, start of the activities, presentation in the prision for the interns, schedule.

4th of February (10:30 - 11:30), oficina Euroaccion
Participants: Diego Marin Romera, Nicoleta Jugulan, Ina Lolescu
type of work contract, ficha de seguimento, oja de asistencia, next meeting with the directors of Centro Penitenciario de Murcia - Sangonera

3rd of February 2014 (11:30 - 12:30), oficina Euroaccion Murcia
Participants: Diego Marin Romera, Nicoleta Jugulan, Ina Lolescu
resume, work programme, To do, short presentation of the project



Work programme - details for the foreseen activities and tasks to be accomplished by Ina Lolescu

Short presentation of the project for the director and staff of Centro Penitenciario Murcia 1, Sangonera

Facilitar un espacio de aprendizaje para los jóvenes delincuentes para desarrollar su capacidad de auto-ayuda, auto-valorar, habilidades para la vida independiente y comportamientos saludables y responsables mientras fortalecen su creatividad y espíritu emprendedor.
25 internos (< 30 años), disponibles 5 meses a participar en el proyecto, cada semana, con motivación e interés de involucrase en actividades de educación no formal para sus desarrollo personal.
2 sesiones cada semana, cada sesión será de 2 horas, de Marzo a Julio 2014. (TBC -  dependiendo del horario de Centro Penitenciario)

Tipo de actividad
Formar el grupo, identidad, conocernos, objetivos
4 sesiones
3 – 14 marzo 2014
Métodos interactivos
Aprender a aprender
7 sesiones
17 marzo – 7 abril 2014
Modelo de desarrollo personal y plan de aprendizaje
Learning Badges
Educación no formal
7 sesiones
11 abril – 2 mayo 2014
Teatro social
Otros métodos (depende del interés de los internos)
Temas: salud, derechos humanos
Desarrollo de habilidades, conocimentos y actitudes para el ámbito de trabajo
7 sesiones
5 - 26 mayo 2014
Soft skills para los buscadores de trabajo
Mejorar la creatividad
7 sesiones
30 mayo – 20 junio 2014
Actividades para mejorar la creatividad
Festival y final del proyecto
8 sesiones
23 junio – 18 julio 2014
Presentación de los resultados del proyecto en Sangonera: Canciones, Danzas, Performance, Expocición  - Festival
Cerrar el proyecto - certificados

Responsables:  INA Lolescu 

n° 1
Preparation for the project
n° 2
Getting to know the organization and the local realities, getting to know the profile of the group of young offenders
n° 3
Preparation and design of the workshops to be facilitated by the youth worker with the group of the young offenders
n° 4
Facilitation of workshops with the group of young offenders
n° 5
Coaching sessions with the young offenders
n° 6
Updating the blog with articles, resources and information  about  the working with young offenders
n° 7
Design of the blog for youth workers working with young offenders
n° 8
Promoting the blog for youth workers working with young offenders
n° 9
Participating in meetings with the staff of Euroaccion and the specialists working daily with the young offenders
n° 10
Reflection on the personal and professional development of the youth worker
n° 11
Promotion of the project
n° 12
Monitoring of the activities of the project
n° 13
Evaluation of the project
n° 14
Evaluation of the project, and dissemination of results

European Commission - Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency - Support to Youth Workers' Mobility


The project "Change and growth with young offenders" is developed by a partnership formed by Asociacion Euroaccion and the A.R.T. Fusion Romania, and involves the mobility of one youth worker (Ina Lolescu) for 6 months in Murcia, Spain. In terms of indirect beneficiaries, it comes to answer the need of developing an innovative approach of non-formal education for young offenders in order to facilitate their inclusion through the development of their self-helping capacity, the improvement of their self-esteem and the development of their learning to learn competence while empowering their creativity and spirit of entrepreneurship. In this sense, by the end of the project it is expected this exchange will produce positive effects and concrete results such as that the young offenders will have increased skills, knowledge and attitudes for job searching; personal development plans; increased self-esteem and a self-perception that goes further that the "offender" identity and finally, a more developed learning to learn competence.

The project will develop a programme of personal development of young offenders; a blog with the experience of the team of youth workers which will be made available for other organisations and youth workers; a knowledge and competence transfer between the two partners organisations involved in the project. 

It will also strengthen the cooperation between A.R.T. Fusion and Euroaccion as new joint working directions of action will be developed. Last but not least, the project aims at the personal and professional development of the youth worker involved by developing his competence of working with young offenders, increasing his capacity of designing and facilitating high quality self-development programmes adapted to the needs and profile of the young offenders involved in the project. 

The project will also allow the youth worker to have a more open and tolerant attitude towards young offenders and to develop his ability to transfer the competences acquired in her own community.

Contractor: Asociacion Cultural Euroaccion Murcia, Spain
Partner: A.R.T. Fusion Romania
Youth worker: Ina Lolescu

details about this grant: